The Rushton waggers have no set schedule, but do very much enjoy their food, walks and generally being around people.
This is a vital part of their day – food is king for the Rushton Waggers!
The food is stored in the downstair toilet – on the left as you enter the kitchen
You will see a bread tin – this is where you will find a bread tin containing the dry food, along with a measuring cup
The boxes to the left contain the Harringtons food trays.
The tray food is divided between the dogs as follows:
Cut a quarter of the tray, then divide into half.
Holly gets one half, with a cup of dry food.
The other half and another cup of dry food is then divided equally between Coco and Iris.
The rest of the tray of food can then be popped in the fridge – this is in the kitchen, disguised as a cupboard
Post eating excitement is generally followed by a well-deserved nap!
There’s nothing more exciting than going for walks in and around Shaldon!
The smells!
Rolling in the sand!
Rolling in the grass!
And more sniffin’
And lots of chasing.
Getting ready
Coco’s harness has a C – it’s slightly smaller than Iris’ harness
Iris’ harness has an I on the label- these labels face forward
There’s an orange harness that I brought along to use for Holly – she usually has the choke lead, but as she can pull a bit, I just don’t like using it. Feel free to use whichever works best for you.
You will find treats and poop bags in the cupboard in the dining room.
On the top shelf is a white box which is just about visible in the photo on the left.
There are shedloads of poop bags in here and some treats.
There are extra treats in the tin in the lounge (on top of the cupboard on the left)